happy place
place inside all of us where we are all happy and get the warm fuzzies. Our happy places are insulated from the shitheads that make up just about everyone we encounter.
- Urban Dictionary
I totally think that nuggets of wisdom come to you when you're in the right frame of mind to receive the message. The seeds of those words are planted but sometimes it takes time for them to germinate, grow and blossom (okay, I failed biology, suck it). That process of growth can be minutes, hours, days, months or even decades. For me the concept of a Happy Place is a really good example of that.
As a survivor I became an expert at disassociating. It was a wonderful trick of the mind to leave my body, fly far away from the pain. Even when those horrible things weren't happening and I couldn't stand to be in my skin, to feel so vulnerable and unsafe in the world - when the shield of my fat didn't stop the panic, the scream rising in my throat I'd drift, float away in mind. Far away, where no one could hurt me.

When the concept of a "happy place" was introduced to me it was described as a place that you created in your mind where you could get away from the stress of life, a place to find peace. At the time I remember thinking, "but I already do that." And yes, in a way I did, but I think I missed a big part of that definition, an important part. See, when I disassociated from my body and floated away there was no peace in that place, it was just a dark void. There was no happiness, no sadness, just.....nothing. A bleak, dark, desolate prison in my mind where I could hide from pain.
And when I was in my body I judged myself so harshly, those kids on the playground who called me fat, well they weren't even trying...the inner bullying I did to myself left wounds and scars inside that no perpetrator could ever match. Because I was always ready with a joke or inappropriate story I think I hid how I was feeling quite well, no one knew how I felt because I would never let myself be vulnerable enough with someone to share with them my broken, bruised heart. And that bullying and those lies I told myself that I wasn't good enough, that no one like me or loved me I never could describe it, but this quote does a pretty good job:
"And it hurts that I can't be what everyone wants or what anyone needs
and it hurts that I can't be what I want or what I need
because I'm not enough and I won't be enough and I'll never be close to enough
and I'm just so damned tired."
- a.d.r.
In college I met a wonderful therapist, Kaia, and she helped me through some really dark times. That first year of college, I still don't know how I made it through when every class I had triggered me, an experience, a memory...there were days when all I could do was just dig my fingernails deep into the floor to stop from falling off my world. The first time I went to see her she asked how I was, I made a joke and said okay and she looked deep into my eyes and said "bullshit." And the floodgates opened. No one ever had seen past Wendy the clown to see the real me. Ever. And just like when you're a kid and you fall and hurt yourself, if your parent doesn't react and say "are you okay" all in a panic then you're all chill and shit, but as soon as they make a fuss you're a crying hot mess. Same deal with her. I couldn't reign it in, despite trying to be the tough girl. But she shattered my defenses, she wouldn't let me avoid and she wouldn't let me hide. She put a name to what I did when the abuse happened. She validated me and unlike with my family who also joked about everything (you wonder where I got it from), she took what I had to say seriously.

It was always this one step forward, five million steps back. Because you see food had always been my secret love, my comforter, my confessor, my worst enemy and my best friend. I used food like some people use a razor blade to cut, piercing their skin, marking it....sometimes to have physical pain that could equal my emotional pain and other times because I wanted to feel nothing at all, to stuff and avoid and numb out and hurt myself for some transgression. And yes, the pressure cooker of emotions brewing in me had lessened, my time with Kaia and with group gave me space to let some of it out so I could at least function. Of course at this time I discovered my new drug of choice, sex. I had physical contact that I so desperately craved, connection and even if at the same time I was telling myself that I was ugly and that I was only good for sex. What I realize is that for me it was a form of control. I got to decide who got to have sex with me, it was almost a "fuck you" to my abusers to prove to them (not that they knew - I didn't say I was being logical) that I was in control. There was no love in these encounters, just control and touch.
When I graduated and was ready to leave college I got really overwhelmed again, out of control, not sure what my future held - and so damned scared of change that I went to that dark place again and things got really out of control....but I spoke about that in another post, I'm not going there again.
Those years after college were much the same. Avoidance behaviours, acting out sexually. Eating so out of control. Numbing out. Anything to face me. And their were bad choices and bad behaviours and inner bullying and bullshit. But there was also wonderful friends, cherished memories and gifts that I would never exchange. Of course I also had sporadic therapy and it would help, peel off layers of hurt but they all felt like crisis management..... I wouldn't go until things were so bad that I couldn't function again. It has seemed like I have always been striving for the "if only's".
If only I could lose weight, I'd be happy.
If only I could go on vacation things at work wouldn't be so out of control.
If only I could find a boyfriend I wouldn't be so lonely.
If only I could win the lottery I'd never have money problems.
If only I was anything but who and what I am I'd be at peace.
In everything I did I was always running at a million miles per minute, in my head, in my job, in my life. I don't think there was any time where I could just be. And as I look at the events of my life, the abuse, the bad relationships, the addictions and even the cancer I realize it was life trying so very hard to get my attention and me being the hard headed stubborn little bitch that I am I tried to avoid life at all costs. Short of taking a shovel and smacking me over the head with it life gave me sign after sign to stop, to slow down, to go to the inner but to no avail.
But there has been seeds germinating in my head from when I had cancer, words that a dear friend and fellow cancer survivor spoke to me. She said "Wendy, Stop. Breathe."
Little buds of that truth have been growing in my brain and when I started to take the anti-depressants in October the mental fog I had been blinded by lifted. And I started to stop. Stop saying yes when I meant no. Stopped pushing my body to exhaustion and really listening when my body said it needed sleep, food, water...love. I made playing with the dog a priority over staying at work for hours on end. Spending time with my parents and chronicling our memories on Facebook for all you to see touched a place in my heart and created joy. I breathed. Every day. Deeply. When I walk in the woods I slow down my breathing, force myself not to take greedy gulps of that sweet country air, but instead savour it slowly as I feel it enter my nose, throat, lungs....along with life, energy and abundance. And the exhale is stress, tension and strain...sending it back to the earth. I walk in prayer, this time that I hold sacred as I let the Universe heal me and in that solitude I have found peace and I've found me. It has taken 41 years and it may take another 41 but this journey into the very core of my being it has been an encounter with the divine.

Slowly I am making peace with my past, memories that could once puncture and tear at my heart are now just lessons, gifts that have made me who I am today and I am grateful to be in a place where I can use that pain to help others. Never before have I been able to sit so fully with another's pain without my own being just a huge a presence. And as I cherish and nourish myself every day that well of giving that I have available just flows over for my clients and the passion and love that I have for this work fills my heart.
And that happy place, that mythical place in my mind that I create to avoid stress, well I don't need that because I am my happy place and life, it is a beautiful place.

That's beautiful I'm glad you have found yoursrlf again and are happy. .. xoxo
ReplyDeleteThis is beautiful Wendy. You are beautiful Wendy.
ReplyDeleteThank you beautiful ladies. xo