Sunday 17 March 2013

Cancer: The Drinking Game

12 hours, 45 minutes until my appointment with the surgeon.  It seems really, really real now and I'm petrified - so scared of the unknown.  I know that I should be focusing on questions to ask, plot out how I'm going to navigate the next few months but I can't do it.  There is something in my brain that is just not letting me process this whole thing, my brain feels so fuzzy and I am beyond overwhelmed. So, I'll do what I do when I am put into a situation I don't feel equipped for - stupid shit.  So here it is, I've decided to deal with this diagnosis by creating a drinking game.  All I need is a flask and a shit load of alcohol and then the rest just works itself out.... so here are the rules...

For every time someone uses the following words I'll take a shot:
Early Onset Menopause

For any of the following words full on beer bongs:
Side Effects
Explosive Diarrhea

Oh fuck, who am I kidding?  I just want my Mommy. :(

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