So in my efforts to break this stupid weight loss stall and really get my shit together I decided to try Hot Yoga with some coworkers after they peer pressured me into it (which seriously why couldn't they peer pressure me into doing drugs or something fun)...anyway I have serious misgivings about Hot Yoga. One, I sweat like a hooker at church to begin with when I exercise but add heat on purpose - wtf? Second, I'm more into the kicking, punching kinda exercise so while all the people around me are being all calm and serene trees I just wanna kick them over. So tonight for some reason this place didn't have hot yoga until much later so I ended up doing this class called Fat Blaster. Holy. Fuck. I thought i was in shape, but no, no I am not. It really wasn't helpful because the a/c at this place wasn't working so I literally probably sweated out 20 pounds right there. The instructor was this young girl who wasn't paying attention to the participants to see if they were doing the exercises correctly and didn't appear to notice the fact that as she demonstrated (and I use this term loosely) the exercise that most of the class was looking at her like she was explaining quantum mechanics. Clueless I tell ya. To make matters worse since I'm trying to combine my efforts to be more comfortable with my body in combination with having something that isn't so damned hot as a t-shirt to work out in I had on my new Old Navy tank top with the built-in bra.......which apparently I should have got a size smaller since I was burstin' out all over the place. I literally felt like dying by the end of the hour, I was drenched in sweat, could barely lift my arms above my head but I swear if I had the chance I would have found the energy to chuck that medicine ball at Workout Barbie's head. Yeah, can't wait for Hot Yoga next week. Kill me now.
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